Welcome Message

Welcome to Body-Prep ED: Foundations

After years of working with patients and clients, we always end up back at the basic "Foundations". As society focuses on quicker, better, faster in all aspects of their life, the ART of HOW are bodies are actually meant to move is getting lost in rehabilitation, training, and sport. When we don't understand the details of what is supposed to happen in our bodies - it is hard to know, feel, and perform or teach exercises or activities without stepping over the line of "Oops! That didn't feel so good".

We originally developed this course for our clients. So they would have the information they needed to empower them in ANY exercise class, movement, or sport they found themselves in. Our clients introduced the concepts to their trainers - whom in turn came to us and asked us to spin it so they would be able to understand, and apply the same information to all their other clients!

With all the different courses out there to take, and information out there to be Googled and YouTubed, the PRINCIPLES of movement and exercise are hard to find, tend to be buried or lost, or people make it so complicated it's hard to know how to actually apply them in real life!

So - we added BONUS content to our original course for therapist/trainers so you can learn how to apply these concepts into your practice, studio or classes!

The Foundations course focuses on the important pillars of the body's movement. Don't just try out the parts you THINK you'll need or look more fun or ignore pieces of information, it's a lot like cheating on a test - you might get an A but you'll have no idea how to apply the information into your life or your clients! So we encourage you to actually try to exercises on yourself, as the concepts will all build on one another.


This course is really "hands on". You need to get off your chair and work through these lessons! All the material will sound "great" but if there is no personal application, or understanding how 'difficult' the simple stuff it to actually do - you'll struggle bringing this content into your client interactions. The more you can 'feel' yourself - the better you'll be able to communicate it to your clients.

Each Phase Consists of a Variety of Topics

Daily Awareness - learn how to bring awareness to your daily life. You don’t know what you don’t know.

Concept of the Month - common topics regarding how the body works and learns. They are designed to get you asking questions about how you may have addressed body issues in the past. 

Principle of the Month - These are IMPORTANT. They outline a mindset that is necessary to get lasting changes in the body.

Education - knowing WHY you do something is just as important as HOW you're doing it. Knowledge is power. (these were filmed for the client, not a health care practitioner)

Exercise Videos - this course is hands on - you’ll need to get off your chair and work through the lessons. There are countless modifications for different body types and areas of restriction.

Equipment Lists - a list of the props we use and where you can order them - along with at home alternatives.

Workbook - download it to help you work through the course, remember the important points, jot down notes for the key points that work for you, track your progress, and make note of what you might want to add to your practice, and your client's.

Comment Sections - a great place for you to ask questions, tell a story and let others know a little more about your experience.

Add-on live movement classes - want to see us in action? Attend a live movement class to see how it all fits together - 1st one is on us!

New Exercises - as feedback rolls in we are constantly modifying our videos or adding alternatives.

BONUS Big Picture Applications - adding in real life scenarios of how to apply the Foundations to your real world problems.

Live Q & A - Virtual times set a side to support you along your journey

Also, we know this might sound redundant, but this is an online course – so an internet connection is necessary. You can't download the video material (for copyright reasons), so a WIFI connection is preferable so you don't get dinged with a huge phone bill for data consumption :)

Enjoy and let's dive in!

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