Dynamic Posture Starts with Breathing

What does "good" posture even look like?

Most people teach and guide their students to have good posture. But, if you ask them what their definition of "ideal" posture is, they don't have one! Posture and core have become trendy, commonly oversimplified and mis-taught. Trainers and coaches use words like “Pull your belly button to your spine”, "Shoulders back", and "Chin up", with the aim to achieve "good posture". Yet, even with EVERYONE jumping on the "core-training train" - there hasn’t been a reduction in injury rates.


We need the whole stabilizing system of the spine to be engaged not just the Transverse Abdominus or a 6-pack. This is called the Integrated Stabilizing System (ISS) of the Spine.

So, as you sit there reading this - take a deep breath? What happened? Some of us straightened up, lifted our chest up, gasped with our mouth. Did your neck move? Stomach? The majority of the patients we see have faulty breathing patterns which means that NO exercise we give them will actually work their core as they have no foundation in correct biomechanics.

So, how does this all work together?

To establish an upright posture with "Positive" Tension in the body you have to have:

  • Alignment of the rib cage over a neutral pelvis
  • Activation of all parts of the diaphragm (Yes...there are 3 different parts)
  • Ability to create pressure within your abdominal region while maintaining steady breath.  

Creating a “corset“ is not tightening your tummy into your spine, but instead, using your diaphragm as a piston, and creates pressure inside your belly that pushes out into your ab muscles. Your ABS should just resist the tension - not tighten to create it.

So what is the best exercise to engage our core correctly?

Answering that question is like patching the hole in the side of the house that was formed due to foundation giving out.  

There is no one exercise answer – yet everyone wants the magic wand. Functional and manual medicine world leaders they are all coming back to the same foundations – getting the body back to how it was meant to move. In order to do that, all the systems have to work together (muscles, nerves, joints, fascia,). 

This is why we created this course – so we can educate each person who has ever asked this magical question in a grocery line, at a dinner party, or even sitting in our office. We need to walk you through the 5 foundational phases, so you understand the importance of each, how to feel and accomplish each movements required. So you can engage your core and be ready to EXERCISE or MOVE your body in ANY WAY after - without PAIN, without the RISK of INJURY!

This concept isn’t a 20 second aside conversation that fixes all your problems with a magic pill. 

The Plan

  • Teach you where NEUTRAL is so you can activate this system of stability.
  • This will RELAX any muscles holding you up for dear life.
  • Then we create stability in the LITTLE muscles to keep you there.
  • At this point you will gain MOBILITY, because you body isn’t worried about breaking!

Creating stability by breathing is the only way to get a Dynamic Posture.

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