BONUS: Cues that Kill Dynamic Posture

Common Core Building 'Cues' That are Detrimental to Actually Building a Functional Core!

  • Draw belly button up and in
  • Suck your belly in
  • Tighten your abs

Now try to apply these 'cues' and notice what happens to your breath?

Then try to apply these 'cues' to movement, can you keep the action? Can you breathe or are you holding your breath?

Now ask yourself can these 'cues' be applied to sport? Does an athlete during a game think to 'draw their belly button up and in' in the middle of a play?

Ask Yourself This?

Movement comes from a relaxed state, do these 'cues' feed relaxed state or a stressed state?

It only takes a few moments to notice how someone breathes. This is key to seeing how affectively someone stabilizes in their core. Every position tells you something different! Just NOTICE and then help them to notice!

Finding the position that someone breathes the best is a hint to the position that they will stabilize and move the best. It's your job to help them to feel what the difference is and then transfer the awareness to position that they may struggle in.

In the videos to come you will learn ways to support your clients alignment to feed affective breath!

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